Ironically, my very
first motorcycles was a 1967 CL90 Honda Scrambler and that was what
was dropped off at the shop just before Christmas for “get running”
My customer is in
his late teens and brought a scruffy CL77 last year for “get
running” repairs that got much more complicated than expected. The
CL90 project had been powdercoated, chromed up and cleaned up
overall, but he never could get it running.
On the bench, I
checked the basics and during a timing check could feel roughness
in the engine as it was turned over towards TDC. I noticed that none of the four cylinderhead nuts had washers beneath them, including the copper washer used to keep the head from leaking oil. Rookies!
Tearing the top end off of a Honda 90 is about a 5-minute task, so I thought I would take a peek inside. Yikes! The camchain guide pin had been replaced with an 8mm bolt that pinched the roller at the edge, preventing it from rolling at all. The cylinder bore showed old water stains and pitting, plus the piston was showing being seized in about 3 places. Making this one run is going to be expensive and take more than a little time. I noticed that the spark advancer had 918 stamped on the edge, instead of 028. 918 is for an ATC 90 which only has about 25 degrees of spark advance vs. 45 for the CL90 engine. I had to round up a good used one from eBay sellers and that fixed that.
Tearing the top end off of a Honda 90 is about a 5-minute task, so I thought I would take a peek inside. Yikes! The camchain guide pin had been replaced with an 8mm bolt that pinched the roller at the edge, preventing it from rolling at all. The cylinder bore showed old water stains and pitting, plus the piston was showing being seized in about 3 places. Making this one run is going to be expensive and take more than a little time. I noticed that the spark advancer had 918 stamped on the edge, instead of 028. 918 is for an ATC 90 which only has about 25 degrees of spark advance vs. 45 for the CL90 engine. I had to round up a good used one from eBay sellers and that fixed that.
I dropped the engine
out of the frame and saw an aftermarket coil and wiring mounted to
the top of the engine. The coil wasn’t anchored on both ends
because it was a generic part of the wrong dimensions. Plus he had
left out the condenser! The wiring connection from the stator to the
harness was connected in the wrong location which pulled the whole
aftermarket harness downwards. This created a short connection to the
headlight shell, which pulled on the wiring when the steering was
turned to the left.
There were incorrect
fasteners, loose wire connector crimps which came apart when pulled
gently. Lots of rookie mistakes all around on the restoration effort.
The rear wheel axle nut was just holding the axle in place, but the
whole stub shaft for the rear hub was missing!
Quite a bit of time
was expended in scraping off old gasket material from the head and
cylinder. Whoever had been in there previously had used a cheap
gasket kit that used thin green paper material which seems like a
single-use material.
There was a lot of
carbon build up in the combustion chamber, but the valve seats were
not badly damaged from whatever water had gone through the motor in
the past. I re-cut new seats and lapped the new valves in place. The
cylinder was bored to 1mm over to clean up the bore and eventually it
all came back together again.
Somehow the
aftermarket ignition had been damaged and was non-functional. My
friends at came up with a replacement switch for less than
$10, plus gaskets and one of the valves.
The rest of the
parts came from eBay sellers. I had guesstimated the whole bill at
$500 before I got deeply into the project and with a discounted labor
rate it still pushed close to $600. Funny how such a small bike, that
sold for about $400 new, costs so much to repair now. Here’s what
the total looked like:
$31.71 piston/rings
$12.97 tappet covers
$20.46 spark
$18.94 sealing
$10.76 seal kit
$6.53 guide roller
$6 8mm guide pin
$21.54 cam chain
$6.47 8mm washer
$14.00 exhaust valve
$3 Float Bowl Gasket
$15 Intake Valve
$20 Engine Gasket
$8 Ignition Switch
$5.95 1qt oil
$5 gasoline
$5 valve stem seal
$40 cylinder boring
$30 Coil and
$5 engine mount
bolt/misc hardware
$286.33 parts
Teardown top end for
Remove engine for
Order parts (gasket,
seals, spark advancer, camchain roller/pin, piston/rings, valves,
ignition switch
Remove clutch cover
for clutch inspection
Remove original
gasket material from head, cylinder, and crankcase
Cut new valve
seats/install new valves
Replace ignition
components with the correct type
Reinstall wiring
harness/repair wire connections/install new ignition switch
carburetor components
2 trips to the machine
shop for cylinder boring 48 miles
Install new camchain
Install new
Assemble top end
Install engine and
adjust timing
Inspect and
reassemble petcock components
Replace fuel lines
Check compression
(150 psi)
Start engine and
adjust carburetor
Total labor: 8 hrs.
$320 discount rate
The bike fired up
quickly and showed plenty of oil circulating in the top end. The compression check showed 150 psi. There’s lots more to do in
finishing the rest of the bike, but I did “make it run” in the
Bill Silver “aka